Reflection 8 Test 4 Presentational Writing

Es importante dormir mucho horas. Es necesario comer esaladas con almuerzo. Hay que comer menos y algo nas actvio. Te reccomiendo beber mas auga. Es importante er muy enejetico y comer menos. Hay que comer menos huevos. Es necesairo dormir muchos horas y comer salubre. Te reccomendo comer mas protinas y menos insalubre.

Student Reflection

I felt that I did very good on this test as it was easy to read and write what i wrote.

Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to understand and can be herd well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like I struggled a little I rate myself a 3/4

Content: I felt as though i could have done better but felt i did really good. On this section I gave myself 3/4.

Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary I still felt like I was O.K in this category yet i struggled alot so I rate myself 3/4.

Accuracy: i struggled alot here and couldn’t think straight i wasn’t sure what to do often on this section i rate myself  1/4

Overall I think I got a 10/16

Reflection 7 Test 3 Presentational Writing

Student Reflection


I felt ok, I often found myself struggling to know the correct word to use. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to understand and can be herd well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like I struggled a little I rate myself a 2/4


Content: I felt as though i could have done better but felt i did really good. On this section I gave myself 3/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary I still felt like I was O.K in this category yet i struggled alot so I rate myself 2/4.


Accuracy: i struggled alot here and couldn’t think straight i wasn’t sure what to do often on this section i rate myself  1/4


Overall I think I got an 8/16.

Test #2 Writing reflection presentational writing 6

Me quedé en bariloche. Llegué a las ocho de la tarde. Me moví usando taxis. Me alojé en el hotel marriott cada noche. Mi primera actividad fue el viaje por el cruce de los lagos Andrean, me costó 280 $ y fue todo el día. Llegué en bote. También compré un barco en una botella. Mi siguiente actividad fue otro viaje por el cruce de los lagos de Andrean, también durante todo el día y me costó 280 $. Llegué en bote y compré una estatuilla de bote. Mi siguiente viaje fue un tour de un día completo en bariloche, que cuesta 86 $ y también fue todo el día, llegamos caminando. Compré algunas rocas de recuerdo. Otro viaje que hice fue una excursión en barco a una isla victoriana que costó 59 $ y fue todo el día. Llegamos a la isla en bote, traigo una pequeña planta conmigo. Mi último viaje fue una excursión al monte Tronador y el glaciar negro que costó 70 $ y también fue todo el día. Llegamos al glaciar caminando. Compré una pequeña bola de nieve de la tienda de regalos. Comi macarones con queso y tome leche todos las dias. Monte en botes camine en puetes y camine en montanas mucho dias. Mi actividad favorita fue victorian island boat tour porque pude viaajuan en un bote todo el dia.

Student Reflection


I felt strongly that i did better writing test, I prepared for this test by writing my trip sheet in spanish which made this much easier. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to read and can be read well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like I struggled a little I rate myself a 4/4


Content: I felt as though i wrote everything I needed to. On this section I gave myself 4/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary this was my best category but I still felt like I was O.K in this category so I rate myself 4/4.


Accuracy: I think what I did was a decent job and I spelled each word correctly and was able to read the paper and respond with the correct word answer as well as knowing what I was responding to. On this section I rate myself 2/4


Overall I think I got an 14/16.

Reflection 4 Quiz 1 Presentational Writing

Student Reflection


I felt strongly that i did better writing quiz, I often found myself easily knowing correct word to use. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to read and can be read well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like I struggled a little I rate myself a 3/4


Content: I felt as though i could have done better but felt i did really good. On this section I gave myself 3/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary this was my best category but I still felt like I was O.K in this category so I rate myself 3/4.


Accuracy: I think what I did was a decent job and I spelled each word correctly and was able to read the paper and respond with the correct word answer as well as knowing what I was responding to. On this section I rate myself 2/4


Overall I think I got an 11/16.

Reflection 5 Quiz 2 Presentational Writing

Hola Luisa,

Yo muy bien. Fui Madrid con mis padres. Nos visitamos al parque, es muy grandoso y visitamos la playa. Yo juego Basquetbol ir al parque con mis amigos. Yo no juego ir al playa. Yo compro un veste con mis padres es muy grande.




Student Reflection


I felt strongly that i did better writing quiz, I often found myself easily knowing correct word to use. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to read and can be read well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like i struggled a little I rate myself a 3/4


Content: I think I didn’t answer all the questions to the best ability but I felt like I answered all of them. On this section I gave myself 3/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary this was my best category but I still felt like I was O.K in this category so I rate myself 3/4.


Accuracy: I think what I did was a decent job and I spelled each word correctly and was able to read the paper and respond with the correct word answer as well as knowing what I was responding to. On this section I rate myself 2/4


Overall I think I got an 11/16.

Reflection Email unit 3 Presentational Writing

Hola Luisa,

Yo muy bien. Fui Madrid con mis padres. Nos visitamos al parque, es muy grandoso y visitamos la playa. Yo juego Basquetbol ir al parque con mis amigos. Yo no juego ir al playa. Yo compro un veste con mis padres es muy grande.




Student Reflection


I felt strongly that i did better writing quiz, I often found myself easily knowing correct word to use. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to read and can be read well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like i struggled a little I rate myself a 3/4


Content: I think I didn’t answer all the questions to the best ability but I felt like I answered all of them. On this section I gave myself 3/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary this was my best category but I still felt like I was O.K in this category so I rate myself 3/4.


Accuracy: I think what I did was a decent job and I spelled each word correctly and was able to read the paper and respond with the correct word answer as well as knowing what I was responding to. On this section I rate myself 2/4


Overall I think I got an 11/16.

Reflection 2 Writing Quiz Unit 3 Presentational Writing

Student Reflection


I Didn’t feel too strongly about this writing quiz, I often found myself struggling to find the correct word to use. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to read and can be read well. You easily understand what I was writing but i felt like i struggled a little I rate myself a 3/4


Content: I think I had a lot of content but some of it felt like filler and could have been improved on, most of it felt like I had a run on sentence but I couldn’t improve because I was given to little to work with. On this section I gave myself 2/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary yet I might have used the wrong words this was my worst category but I still felt like I was O.K in this category so I rate myself 3/4.


Accuracy: I think what I did was a decent job and I spelled each word correctly and was able to read the paper and respond with the correct word conjugation I also think that I knew what I was saying. On this section I rate myself 2/4


Overall I think I got an 10/16.

Reflection Number 3 Interpretive Writing Exam

Student Reflection

I think i did better than i thought on writing quiz 1,  I was scared at first writing about what seemed to be a foreign language but once i had the first sentence structure I was able to adapt that example an make it better than the last. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:

Comprehensibility: I think it is easy to read what i wrote and i felt clear and what  I needed to say was very organised and neat. You can easily peace together what I had so i rate myself 3/4.


Content: I think i did ok but I easily could have improved, I had a hard time knowing words i could use I couldn’t use them to their fullest. I rate myself 2/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I think i did fine but if i had studied a lot more i could had made the vocab better and used stronger words but I opted for easier use of words that are easier to understand because I didn’t remember any more complex word choices. I rate myself 2/4.


Accuracy:  I felt Strong on what i was reading and knew how to translate it to English so i could translate it back to Spanish and type it our myself. I rate myself 3/4



Overall I think i got a 10/16


Reflection 2 Quiz 3 Presentational Writing

Student Reflection


I think i did alright  on Writing quiz number 2, I felt as though it was too easy but I think i might have misinterpreted what I had to wright but I feel strong about my answers. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:


Comprehensibility: I think my sentences are solid and easy to read and can be read with little trouble / hesitation. And because easily understand what i was reading/writing I rate myself a 4/4


Content: I think I had a lot of content but some of it felt like filler and could have been improved on, most of it felt like I had an Y or tambien or tampoco but it felt solid and full. On this section I gave myself 3/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I felt sturdy with my vocabulary yet I might have used some bad word choices this was my worst category but I still felt like I was strong in this category so I rate myself 2/4.


Accuracy: I think what I did was a decent job and I spelled each word correctly and was able to read the paper and respond with ease I also think that I knew what I was saying and each word fit into place after each word. On this section I rate myself 2/4


Overall I think I got an 11/16.

Reflection 1 Quiz 1 Presentational Writing

Student Reflection

I think i did better than i thought on writing quiz 1,  I was scared at first writing about what seemed to be a foreign language but once i had the first sentence structure I was able to adapt that example an make it better than the last. I rated myself using Novice Presentational Writing rubric and here are my results:

Comprehensibility: I think it is easy to read what i wrote and i felt what i said was very organised and neat. You can easily peace together what i have so i rate myself 3/4.


Content: I think i did well but I easily could have improved, I know words i can use I just cant use them to their fullest and know how to use that word and make that the verb of the sentence. I rate myself 2/4.


Vocab use and Language Control: I think i did fine but if i had studied a lot more i could had made the vocab better and used stronger words but I opted for easier and more basic use of words that are easier to understand because I can’t conjugate as easily. I rate myself 2/4.


Accuracy: I think changing the tense of verbs was my easiest section, I could easily change a word like jugar to jugaba in a few seconds because I know each tense and the tables that are associated with each. I rate myself 4/4.



Overall I think i got a 11/16